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Provide an Unmatched Customer
Experience in Utilities

Use NPS Prism to uncover unbiased customer insights and identify cost-saving
opportunities across the customer, journey, product, and channel levels

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Companies Covered in Our Dataset

and many (many!) more

NPS Prism for Utilities

40 +
Utilities Groups NPS Prism includes data on most major gas and electricity providers.
Customer Journeys NPS Prism contains granular data across the service, account management, and payment journeys.
45 K
Customers Surveyed NPS Prism collects data from a representative sample of 45K utilities customers, with new data and insights each quarter.

Utilities Customer Journeys That Matter

See a sample of the journeys we analyze from end to end in the NPS Prism platform.

An NPS Prism case Study

How a National Energy Leader Turned CX Ideas Into Action with NPS Prism

Dominion sought an experienced partner who could help them transform meaningful customer insights into data-driven CX strategies.

Read the Case Study

Our CS team was in a great position to change customer behavior, but we needed more learning and education internally around optimizing the customer experience. We needed a partner who knew more than just the basics of quality CX. We needed someone who could help us bridge the gap between strategy and actuality.

Utibe Bassey

Vice President of Customer Experience, Dominion Energy

The Latest From NPS PRISM

How Inflation Impacts Customer Experience

As prices continue to rise, consumers are rethinking their spending — and how they measure the value of their purchases. Our latest report explores how these trends impact customer experience (CX), and the strategies teams can use to drive success in uncertain times.

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